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Augury Staff

Though a man of more Dark than Light, like any other Diviner I am motivated by curiosity and always seeking out knowledge. I have traveled many lands in search of others like myself. In one of my trips I met a mysterious Prophet, a soul of Yin as I am, and with him I learned the importance of crafting in all lives.

I started then to carve a Staff, which I desired to be a symbol for those who walk the path of Divinity with me.. T'was a challenging task, indeed, yet finally I can say the Augury Staff is complete. I bring the Staff to the Divine Order that they may learn how to carve their own.

I suppose you wonder at how I created the staff... Well, if you are to make your own, I really must tell you:

I knew for a fact that wood is a very common material in staves, because it is practical, cheap, and easy to find.

A common device used to create a sense of balance among Diviners is the symbol of the Tao, the Tao stone. While I crafted one of those stones I realized that shapes are meant to be understood, some figures were never intended for display, instead of a rounded shape as the original stone was so masterfully formed, I gave it a new one, to make the head of my staff.

This staff is not meant to cause harm to anyone or anything, it is a symbol of what we are and what we share with others, ourselves.

In the Divine Order, there is a great following of walkers. These staves represent the path as a whole, the Light, the Dark, and the Grey.

Yours Truly,

The Eternal Pessimist,

Dark Walker Sung