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Chung Fu Helmet

Many Yuri's ago while traveling to visit my Father,

I had a nice dream, what I rather call a vision.

On that vision, I heard my own voice saying words there weren't mine:

"Dreams are a starting point for many Diviners. Dreams taught me to face myself, let me see the future, and let me see the truth within."

Curiousity guided me to search for the meaning of my vision.

I visited a library on one of my stops on my traveling back home. On my studies about past Diviner's way, I have discovered that a group of Diviner went in trials to discover their inner truth. Each would wear a loose cloth-like headband, which symbolized knowledge, to assist in the focusing of their thoughts.

With that in my mind I returned to the circle and shared my experiance with the Guides and Walkers of my path. I found that would be a nice to bring those traditions to keep our roots strong.

And now, after many yuri's working with the tailors of our path to design those headbands, they will be again part of the Diviners traditions.

May the origem and the porpuse of those headbands, which was named Chung Fu (Focus and truth within), help the Diviners focus in their thoughts and provide the community even more clear readings results.

Sarina Diviner Elder

Oracle of Light