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Mupa's Banishment

As with any kingdom, during any era, there is always a tale of love. And like any love story, there is always a tale of unrequited love. What better place to start the chronicles of King Yuri's reign than recounting this very tale..

Some say she was stunning, others disagree, but regardless of her visage, Mupa had the enchanting air of power about her. One might speculate it was this power that caught the heart and soul of King Yuri's brother, a mage named Sagu. Utterly devoted to her, despite the signs of wickedness that the citizens were beginning to notice, Sagu was willing to follow her to the ends of the earth.

Perhaps jealousy, perhaps pure spite, might have been the motive behind Mupa's dark scheme, but no one can know her intentions for fact. During the black night of a new moon, the enchantress infiltrated the palace gates, in seach of Prince M'hul's betrothed, the gentle Princess Yun. M'hul accosted her before she got too far, defending himself with his knife when she suddenly vanished into a cloud of smoke to glide past, unseen, into the Princess' quarters.

The wisps of smoke roiling into solid form, she became a giant snake before the sleeping Princess, ready to strike. M'hul burst in, startling Yun and the serpent Mupa, and Mupa struck him a fierce blow, nearly taking his life. Fighting valorously, despite his wounds, the Prince managed to win the battle; the witch slithering off as M'hul went to comfort the frightened Yun.

The following day, upon hearing of the terrible assault, King Yuri declared to the kingdom that Mupa was a witch and was immediately banished from the kingdom for her attempt upon Princess Yun's, and Prince M'hul's lives.

In an utter rage for the woman he loved, Sagu cursed his brother, all those of Yuri's family, and the entire kingdom of Koguryo. His heart broken, he fled the kingdom in search of Mupa, embittered and blinded by his darkening heart.

It would be several years before either were heard from again. During this time of peace for the kingdom, Sagu's heart grew colder, and he learned much from Mupa in the dark arts. As their bitter hatred consumed their spirits, the two plotted their revenge, which would indeed come to pass.