Nexus Biographies

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The Shattering

The Sphere shatters,

dark one freed.

The twelve awaken

in rooms unkeyed.

The dead scream

the Oldest call

the Evil whispers

the Mighty falls.

-Poem from the Legends

The great Dream Weaver, Orb, told the kingdoms of the power of the subpaths that lay dormant within our realm. Three branches to follow from mage, warrior, poet or rogue. Twelve Circles appeared in various places within Koguryo and Buya, all waiting to have the power of the Elders released.

During this time of Yuri's 20th year, a mysterious sage visited the kingdoms. Dressed in strange robes, this man, Eldridge, was befriended by some, and looked at cautiously by others. He offered to help unlock the powers of the subpaths, but he needed to know how to do so. Fragments of a poem were found and pieced together, and it was decided that the Onyx that contained Sagu would have to be shattered to release the powers. But the consequences did not look promising.

Gathering the citizens of both kingdoms together at the Kogurian palace, Yrui and M'hul stood by as the Onyx was shattered. Simultaneously, the Circles were infused with power as Sagu appeared in his full form before the awed onlookers. Wasting no time, the warlock took advantage of the confusion and struck down many with his dark magic. He created a black forest, called up ancient spirits, brought thunder with rain, and fire from below that destroyed persons from miles around.

Imprisoned in the Onyx since the 17th year of Yuri, he claimed to have learned much during his introspection. Mumbling something about the Darkstaff, he continued summoning his evil minions, slaughtering countless innocents.

Meanwhile, the powerful force of the Darkstaff was growing, feeding off of Sagu's evils and helping him in turn. The warlock appeared in the Carnage Arena during a tournament and brought down a storm of fire upon the helpless citizens. Slags shook the foundation with their massive crushing steps. With the power of her fury, Bringer flew at Sagu with her Holy sword, but Sagu and the power of Darkstaff crushed her. Sagu vanished as the kingdoms mourned the death of the mighty. Yet there was no time to sink into despair. Sagu launched an attack upon the kingdoms unlike anything that had ever been seen before. There was not a room that was spared from the blood of carnage.

Having outlived his usefulness, Sagu was betrayed by the Darkstaff. In the depths of the Vale, Darkstaff drained all of Sagu's life essences, making it impossible for him to revive himself from death. With Sagu slain, Eldridge was forced to wonder if the legends had been interpreted correctly. The dark one was dead, but why were all of his minions and lackeys still plaguing the kingdoms?

Thousands still died desperately defending their homes. To the horror of citizens, Orb appeared soon after and slaughtered many of his own people. Within the Vale, several giant Slags appeared, crushing any who came too close. Thoth, the goddess of Wisdom, was stripped of her immortality and thrown into the pit of the Vale that the monsters encircled. Orb had been corrupted by the Darkstaff. Many tried in vain to save her, but the mortal body of Thoth could only bear so much and she was slain.

All the while, several poems and legends were being analyzed for some sort of answers. Crystals, Quartzes and "weapons of keys" were needed to form the formidable Spirit Arrow. Five honourable citizens sacrificed their Seven-leaf swords to help with the ceremony. In a ritual with the Elders, Eldridge formed the arrow. After much debate, it was decided: Orb had to be killed.

Thousands of deaths bloodied the grass of the Vale as Orb and the Darkstaff that controlled him slew every living being for miles. Many tried to kill Orb, though he merely used his godly powers to ressurect himself anew. Finally, he was surrounded in Kugnae, struggling with what was left of his own mind against the overpowering Darkstaff. Madog, Elder of the Chonguns, sent the Spirit arrow flying straight into the heart of Orb. He, along with the Darkstaff and the arrow, shattered. The flying shards struck nearby onlookers. The power released seared the ground. The mighty Orb had died.

The kingdoms safe from harm, mourned deeply for the profound loss that occured with the deaths of Bringer, Thoth and Orb along with countless other brave men and women. The shards of the Spirit arrow were made into weapons for those who had sacrificed their treasures for the sake of the kingdoms and the citizens worked togather to pick up the pieces of their lives. Eldridge, now known as the Spirit Guide, stayed on as an advisor to the realm. The Elders slowly gained power within their Circles as their subpaths began to grow. The ground that was seared by the explosion of Orb's death eminated strange powers, and gave respectful visitors glowing stones that contained the essence of Orb within. The Darkstones still exist today, as a reminder of a once mighty god, who like any of us, had his weaknesses.