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The Origins of Invincibility

A gnarled old man beckons to her from a dark corner of the Inn.

"And you may be the Thunder Tetrarch... the Elder Gildenstar?"

Taken aback, she cautiously replies, "I am."

"Sit," he demanded, "I have a tale for your ears only."

He leaned back, his tattered robes showing the wear of a traveler. "I stowed away on a pirate ship from Shilla. The pirates thought it would be wise to take live provisions. Heh, were they wrong! Little did they know that Shilla fowl multiply like crazy! We were just out from Hausson when the beasts got out of control. Half the crew took to the lifeboats, and the rest locked themselves in closets or whatever they could find... We were adrift. I hid in an empty rum keg till I felt the ship beach on the shoreline."

The old man dug in his pocket for a long pipe, loaded it, and lit it with the candle on the table.

"It got quiet... Too quiet. I listened for what seemed an eternity, and decided to venture forth. The ship seemed deserted. I decided to get to shore and find out where we were. I clambered down the rope ladder and waded to shore."

His face went pale and he began to tremble. "I began to walk towards what I perceived was a small village. Then they attacked! Hundreds of 'em. The noise of hundreds of birds! I was about to succumb to the onslaught, when I heard a voice call out to me. Then I saw her! A bright sword flashed as she waded into the mass of creatures. A fiery light of indignation lit her eyes. She turned the beasts' attention to herself, to save me! She picked me up under one arm and waded back out, sword swinging, and I blacked out."

The old man leaned forward, "She didn't even know me! She risked her life for me.

When I awoke in this inn, I was told that she had paid for my stay. I asked about what kind of person she was, and was told that she was a Chongun. I've tried to repay her but she refuses."

He reaches into his robes and pulls out an old parchment.

"I am but an old Monk, but this I offer to you as a small token of my appreciation. An incantation that has been reserved for the healers of the land that would be of help to the Honourable Chongun. Guard the secret with your life, dear Elder, and it may save yours. It takes three ingredients: A moon helm, for you do your greatest deeds not for glory - largely unseen in the shadows, and witnessed by few, twenty tiger hearts, for the Chongun truly do have the hearts of the noble tiger, and a Charm, to remind you of the healers that you often risk your own lives to protect. Use it only when defending the lives of others to save your own so you may live to save more."

The old man struggled to his feet and tottered to the door. With a smile, he nods and steps into the night. Quietly, the Elder slips the parchment into her pocket and goes to her quarters to ponder the meaning of all this.

Author: DarkMaverick