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Woolfe's Story

The journey had been short, walking hastily through the wilderness, feeling the soft damp ground below my feet. The skies began to fill with storm clouds as I neared the Golden Grove, and I moved slightly faster to gain the shelter of the trees. The grove was empty, and the soothing sounds of the crying sky sent a peaceful chill through my body. The tree however lacked the perfect shelter of the inn, and drops of water poured onto my hair and robes. Opening my pack I unrolled my mat and placed my spear down in front of me. Such an awsome gift I had thought, the greatest I had ever recieved. And then

I sat..... concentrating.....

Know yourself, Know the lands,

know each other, share wisdom and a helping hand,

train body and mind equally,

always be true,

mind before hand, walk with the wind under your feet, and patience.

The truths of my brothers and sisters echoed through my mind. Until the echo hushed....and my mind was left to wander. At first my thoughts were of my beautiful spear. So unique and sought after, and I owned one. It was my perfect weapon and I saw myself wielding my weapon proudly through Mythic Nexus. Proudly flaunting what I had been given. My mind wandered once more.....this time to my journey. How kind, smart, beautiful, talented, and wise my brothers and sisters were that had gone on the journey. I saw myself on a journey walking through the wilderness, spear in hand, arrogantly striding. My pride glowed. Then I was jolted from my concentration, soaking wet, alone, and in the dark. I sat bewildered waiting alone.

I tried once more to concentrate, and sat again on my mat searching for deep concentration....but I was unable to achieve deep thought once more. How could conceited and arrogant my thought had been before, I needed to realize a truth. I sat.....and sat alone.....saddened. I could no longer focus.

...Days passed...and nothing...I stayed longer, to allow myself more time...still nothing. Defeated, I bowed my head and turned to go. Arriving to the circle, I forced myself to post my findings in the circle...nothing. As I returned to my study, alone and puzzled, I finally understood my vision.

In seeing myself voyage through the wilderness holding my staff held high I realized this was me....walking to the Golden Grove. I so arrogantly walked and so pitifully had failed. Humiliated.... one must be humble to be true. This day I discovered Humility.


-Humbled Voyager-